Every nation, large and small, has established laws of government to ensure the peace, safety and prosperity of their land. Embedded in these laws is a freedom so great that some would choose death, rather than give up their right to exercise this freedom. It is the freedom of choice.
When God created Adam, He placed him in the Garden of Eden where they spent precious time together in fellowship every day. Even though Adam was the only human being on earth at this time, God established His law with Adam. This law consisted of one commandment which reads as follows, “of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Genesis 2: 16b- 17 (die in this context refers to spiritual death or separation from God).
Adam had a God given right to choose and he made his choice. Even though he knew the penalty for breaking God’s law, He chose to eat of the tree. As a result, he died spiritually – he was put out of the garden and his fellowship with God was broken. (Genesis 3: 23)
God established His universal laws for mankind and we have the freedom to choose whether we are going to obey them or not. The amazing thing is that we expect human governments to carry out the penalty required for breaking their laws but we expect God to allow us to live as we choose, without penalty for breaking His laws.
Ignorance of the law of the land is no excuse for avoiding the penalty that comes with breaking the law. Similarly, ignorance of God’s law is also no excuse for avoiding the penalty that comes with breaking His law.
The Bible, which is the inspired or God breathed word of God (2nd Timothy 3: 16) contains His laws that guide mankind. STUDY IT and KNOW IT!
Remember, ignorance of God’s laws is no excuse.