The Journey To The End Of Your life

We are all on a journey to the end of our own lives, yet many of us spend most of our time watching the lives of others, criticizing them and competing with them, not realizing that in so doing, we are wasting our own valuable and precious time. I realized this a few years ago and made a conscious choice to maximize whatever remaining time God has granted me on this earth. As a result, I have discovered gifts I didn’t know I had and have been diligently working at developing these gifts. My life is now so much more fulfilled and purposeful.

Discovering our gifts has nothing to do with money but everything to do with developing whatever talents we were given, instead of burying them in the ground, envying the talents of those who developed theirs and complaining when God blesses the labour of their hands.


Biblical Journey

I love studying the Bible and I realize that it is a never ending process to my knowledge of God until my death. Everytime I think I know something, I realize that there is more to know and someone else gives me more clarity on what I thought I knew. Hence, the Biblical Journey is not one to be travelled alone.
One thing I have noticed is that there is so much going on in the religious communities today that people believe BUT these things are not biblically based.
There also seems to be more events in the ‘church’ buildings to hype up the members as opposed to sound doctrinal teachings which prepare Christians to go out and spread the biblically based doctrine of the gospel message proclaimed by Jesus Christ and in so doing, win souls for His kingdom..
If you didn’t do so already, begin to check out the Bible and see if the worship and teaching experiences in your congregation are in line with the worship and teaching experiences of the WORD OF GOD.

Communication & Progress

New born babies communicate by crying. As children grow, they communicate by pointing at what they need, or making their request known in one word….wahwa, juice etc. Many times they see something and they want it just because they see it, or because they know it’s there.

As children progress in years, their social and communicative skills develop and they are able to have meaningful conversations and relationships. They enroll in school and begin their academic journey with their peers. Some will complete the journey through High school while others will not. Some will move on to college, obtaining a first degree while others will move beyond, continuing into the world of greater wisdom, knowledge and skills, which will open doors of opportunities that those who remained at a lower level cannot even imagine.

Relationships with God are like that. Some people have been saved for years but got stuck at the primary level, yet they still want the same rewards as a college graduate or self made success story where persons sacrificed and did what was necessary to achieve the best.

Just as you must progress academically in order to move to the various levels of educational and financial success in life, you must progress spiritually in order to move to the various levels of spiritual success.


Inequality in Life

Stop long enough to find out why you’re here; slow down enough to enjoy the journey; live enough so that you are always prepared to leave.

No matter how much value you place on yourself; how much higher up in society you may think you are above someone else – no one lives on this earth forever and inequality in life is balanced out by the equality of death.