Biblical Journey

I love studying the Bible and I realize that it is a never ending process to my knowledge of God until my death. Everytime I think I know something, I realize that there is more to know and someone else gives me more clarity on what I thought I knew. Hence, the Biblical Journey is not one to be travelled alone.
One thing I have noticed is that there is so much going on in the religious communities today that people believe BUT these things are not biblically based.
There also seems to be more events in the ‘church’ buildings to hype up the members as opposed to sound doctrinal teachings which prepare Christians to go out and spread the biblically based doctrine of the gospel message proclaimed by Jesus Christ and in so doing, win souls for His kingdom..
If you didn’t do so already, begin to check out the Bible and see if the worship and teaching experiences in your congregation are in line with the worship and teaching experiences of the WORD OF GOD.

I Will Survive and I Will Deliver

Will I ever amount to anything?

My neighborhood breeds criminals, murderers, prostitutes and drug dealers.

I am immune to the sound of gunshots, sirens and screams of pain

When another young person is gone too soon.

Will I survive to stay alive or

Will I survive just long enough to die

Before any hope of a dream is materialized?

I looked into my mind’s eye and

Determined that I will survive;

I will rise above this mental state,

Leave, learn, return and educate;

To end this cycle of

Life and death

Where only positive contributions

Can deliver the rest

Excerpt from: High School Boys: Build a Strong Foundation & Face Your Future Prepared & Courageous   (Velyn Cooper)

Educated Choice

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live. Deuteronomy 30: 19 (KJV)

Choosing life in God through Jesus Christ is not just something you say – it is something you do by living according to His teachings, as outlined in His word, The Bible.

If you’re living by what you feel and not what you study in His Word – you could run into some serious misguidance and some serious problems. To avoid this, follow the instruction given in 2nd Timothy 2: 15.

2nd Timothy 2: 15 (KJV)
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.